Warren County Genealogical Society |
(513) 695-1144 |
wcgs@co.warren.oh.us![]() |
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Dr. Orville Layman of Franklin, Ohio, kept a series of twenty two small notebooks in which he recorded 549 births dating from July 2, 1933 to September 18, 1942.
The original notebooks are held by the Warren County Genealogical Society which has photocopied the 549 pages in the notebooks and placed them in two looseleaf binders at our library located in Lebanon, Ohio.
The information extracted from these notebooks provides the alphabetical record of births including name of the infant, name of father and mother and the page number where the record can be found in the looseleaf binders in our library. A “___” is used to indicate that information was not included in the original notebooks.
This page contains an every name index, year, relation and page in the book. If you find an entry of interest to you, you can view the book in our research library. Alternately, copies of the individual pages can be obtained for $1 each [$5 minimum] or you can contact our research department. Click here for an index by child with parent's name indicated
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Maddex | Dorothy Ann | 1933 | 17 | child |
Maddex | Jesse Elbert | 1933 | 17 | father |
Manclzak | Margaret Louise | 1936 | 18 | mother |
Manning | Arlo Dillard | 1938 | 17 | father |
Manning | Gladys | 1939 | 7 | mother |
Manning | Sylvia Ann | 1938 | 17 | child |
Marcin | Goldie Mae | 1935 | 21 | mother |
Marstall | Charles Lawrence | 1938 | 18 | child |
Marstall | William Henry | 1938 | 18 | father |
Martin | Irene Louise | 1941 | 15 | mother |
Mason | Alice Marie | 1936 | 18 | child |
Mason | John Wm | 1936 | 18 | father |
Mastress | Irene | 1935 | 19 | mother |
Mathews | Charles Otis | 1940 | 18 | father |
Mathews | Nancy Louise | 1940 | 18 | child |
McCarthy | Arthur | 1934 | 18 | father |
McCarthy | Arthur Wm | 1934 | 18 | father |
McCarthy | James Lawrence | 1934 | 18 | child |
McCarthy | Jeanette | 1934 | 22 | mother |
McCarthy | Jeanette | 1938 | 22 | mother |
McCarthy | Michael Bannon | 1934 | 18 | child |
McCarthy | Patrick | 1939 | 18 | child |
McCarty | William Arthur | 1939 | 18 | father |
McClellan | Glenn Eugene | 1939 | 18 | father |
McClellan | Sherry Ann | 1939 | 18 | child |
McGrail | Winifred Edith | 1933 | 17 | mother |
McIntire | Elizabeth | 1942 | 20 | mother |
McKinley | Callie | 1935 | 17 | mother |
McKinley | Callie | 1936 | 16 | mother |
McKinney | Callie | 1940 | 17 | mother |
McKinney | Collie | 1938 | 16 | mother |
McKinney | Susie | 1937 | 20 | mother |
McLaughlin | Mary Agnes | 1940 | 24 | mother |
McQuinn | Delores | 1942 | 11 | mother |
Meadows | David Allen | 1938 | 18 | child |
Meadows | Thomas E. | 1938 | 18 | father |
Mellott | James Mahlon | 1942 | 18 | child |
Mellott | Lewis Wesley Jr. | 1942 | 18 | father |
Mentzer | James Joseph | 1941 | 18 | father |
Mentzer | Lee Kent | 1941 | 18 | child |
Meyer | Joseph Edward | 1941 | 18 | father |
Meyer | Joseph Edward | 1941 | 18 | father |
Meyer | Joseph Edward Jr. | 1938 | 18 | child |
Meyer | Joseph Edward Sr. | 1938 | 18 | father |
Meyer | Michael James | 1941 | 18 | child |
Meyer | Thomas August | 1941 | 18 | child |
Meyers | ___ | 1934 | 18 | child |
Meyers | Edna Rebecca | 1936 | 7 | mother |
Meyers | Robert Nelson | 1940 | 18 | child |
Meyers | Robert Nelson | 1940 | 18 | father |
Michael | Donald Lynn | 1940 | 18 | child |
Michael | Donald Walpers | 1940 | 18 | father |
Miller | Helen Irene | 1939 | 21 | mother |
Miller | Odemia Louise | 1937 | 5 | mother |
Miller | Odemia Louise | 1937 | 5 | mother |
Miltenberger | Evelyn | 1936 | 13 | mother |
Milton | Barbara Jean | 1940 | 18 | child |
Milton | Stanley | 1940 | 18 | father |
Minch | Gretchen Marie | 1934 | 18 | child |
Minch | John E. | 1934 | 18 | father |
Minge | Theodore Alfred Jr. | 1941 | 18 | child |
Minge | Theodore Alfred Sr. | 1941 | 18 | father |
Monk | Ida Hatfield | 1936 | 18 | mother |
Monk | Jef | 1936 | 18 | father |
Monk | Mourice Jean | 1936 | 18 | child |
Moody | August James | 1942 | 18 | father |
Moody | Dixie Lee | 1942 | 18 | child |
Moore | Doris Ann | 1934 | 18 | child |
Moore | Raymond | 1934 | 18 | father |
Morris | Elsie Louisa | 1938 | 23 | mother |
Morris | Elsie Louise | 1941 | 23 | mother |
Morris | James William | 1941 | 19 | child |
Morris | James William | 1941 | 19 | child |
Morris | John D. | 1938 | 19 | father |
Morris | John Danial | 1941 | 19 | father |
Morris | John Daniel | 1937 | 19 | father |
Morris | John Daniel | 1941 | 19 | father |
Morris | Laura Francis | 1937 | 19 | child |
Morris | Rose Marie | 1938 | 19 | child |
Mount | Henrietta | 1938 | 17 | mother |
Moxhan | Agnes Alberta | 1941 | 14 | mother |
Mulberry | Aubrey Theobold Sr. | 1940 | 19 | father |
Mulberry | Franklin Neale | 1940 | 19 | child |
Mullen | Leonard Arthur Jr. | 1941 | 19 | child |
Mullen | Leonard Arthur Sr. | 1941 | 19 | father |
Mullenix | Stanley Eugene | 1938 | 19 | child |
Mullenix | Stanley Richard | 1938 | 19 | father |
Mullens | Lonnie Edward | 1936 | 19 | father |
Mullens | Margie Fay | 1936 | 19 | child |
Mullins | Doris Marie | 1938 | 19 | child |
Mullins | Fay | 1934 | 10 | mother |
Mullins | Irene Linda | 1940 | 19 | child |
Mullins | Richard | 1938 | 19 | father |
Mullins | Richard | 1940 | 19 | father |
Murphy | Adda | 1934 | 10 | mother |
Murphy | Bernice | 1942 | 10 | mother |
Myers | Edna Rebecca | 1934 | 6 | mother |
Myers | Edna Rebecca | 1937 | 7 | mother |
Myers | Edna Rebecca | 1938 | 6 | mother |
Myers | Gail Ann | 1937 | 19 | child |
Myers | John James | 1935 | 19 | father |
Myers | Robert | 1934 | 18 | father |
Myers | Robert Nelson | 1937 | 19 | father |
Myers | Roland Laymon | 1935 | 19 | child |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Neeley | Bessie Lee | 1936 | 11 | mother |
Neeley | Bessie Lee | 1940 | 11 | mother |
Neeley | Bessie Lee | 1941 | 11 | mother |
Newcomb | Alverna Marie | 1940 | 9 | mother |
Newcomb | Janice Marlene | 1938 | 19 | child |
Newcomb | Martha Elizabeth | 1935 | 7 | mother |
Newcomb | Martha Elizabeth | 1939 | 7 | mother |
Newcomb | Raymond Chas. | 1938 | 19 | father |
Norrell | Betty Florence | 1936 | 19 | child |
Norrell | Charley B. | 1936 | 19 | father |
Norvell | Carlos Harlen | 1938 | 19 | child |
Norvell | Raymond Arthur | 1938 | 19 | father |
Norville | Louis Jean | 1938 | 19 | child |
Norville | William Sanford | 1938 | 19 | father |
Null | Harod Edward | 1937 | 19 | father |
Null | Harod Edward | 1942 | 19 | father |
Null | Jerome Lee | 1937 | 19 | child |
Null | Louis Paul | 1940 | 19 | child |
Null | Paul Early | 1940 | 19 | father |
Null | Thomas Edward | 1942 | 19 | child |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Oakley | Marie | 1941 | 24 | mother |
O'Flynn | Mary Catherine | 1935 | 3 | mother |
O'Flynn | Mary Catherine | 1939 | 3 | mother |
O'Neal | James Woodrow | 1939 | 19 | father |
O'Neal | Peggy Ann | 1939 | 19 | child |
Owens | George Thomas | 1938 | 19 | father |
Owens | Sandra Gail | 1938 | 19 | child |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Palmer | Millie Ellen | 1936 | 10 | mother |
Palmer | Millie Ellen | 1938 | 10 | mother |
Palmer | Sarah | 1939 | 7 | mother |
Parker | Anna Marie | 1939 | 25 | mother |
Parker | Barbara Jean | 1937 | 20 | child |
Parker | Charles McKinley | 1936 | 20 | father |
Parker | Chas. L. | 1937 | 20 | father |
Parker | James Lloyd | 1938 | 20 | child |
Parker | John Joseph | 1937 | 20 | father |
Parker | Judy Ann | 1940 | 20 | child |
Parker | Leslie Kile | 1934 | 20 | child |
Parker | Mary Agnes | 1936 | 20 | child |
Parker | Mary Virginia | 1939 | 11 | mother |
Parker | Mary Virginia | 1939 | 11 | mother |
Parker | Mary Virginia | 1942 | 11 | mother |
Parker | McKinley | 1934 | 20 | father |
Parker | Robert Theiss | 1938 | 20 | father |
Parker | Robert Theiss | 1940 | 20 | father |
Parker | Shirley Dianne | 1937 | 20 | child |
Parker | Stella Cathrine | 1939 | 20 | mother |
Parlett | Mattie Mae | 1940 | 18 | mother |
Parrett | Mary Virginia | 1933 | 24 | mother |
Parrott | Mary | 1936 | 24 | mother |
Pennington | Charles Edward | 1940 | 20 | child |
Pennington | Floyd L. | 1940 | 20 | father |
Pennington | William Clayborn | 1939 | 20 | father |
Pennington | William Claybourne | 1939 | 20 | child |
Penry | Mary Jeanette | 1939 | 18 | mother |
Peters | Maud Mae | 1940 | 23 | mother |
Peters | Maudie | 1942 | 23 | mother |
Phelps | Barbara Lee | 1938 | 20 | child |
Phelps | Harold Eugene | 1938 | 20 | father |
Phelps | Harrold Eugene | 1937 | 20 | father |
Phelps | Harrold Eugene | 1941 | 20 | father |
Phelps | Linda Kay | 1941 | 20 | child |
Phelps | Patricia Ann | 1937 | 20 | child |
Phillips | Owen | 1936 | 20 | father |
Phillips | Owen | 1938 | 20 | father |
Phillips | Owen Dale | 1936 | 20 | child |
Phillips | Susan Beth | 1938 | 20 | child |
Pisistner | Delilia Lavina | 1936 | 27 | mother |
Pittman | Audrey | 1937 | 22 | mother |
Pittman | Audry Howard | 1935 | 22 | mother |
Plummer | Naomi | 1942 | 27 | mother |
Poast | Howard S. | 1942 | 20 | father |
Poast | Roger Howard | 1942 | 20 | child |
Pointer | Anna | 1937 | 19 | mother |
Pointer | Anna | 1938 | 19 | mother |
Pointer | Anna | 1941 | 19 | mother |
Pointer | Anna | 1941 | 19 | mother |
Powell | Charles | 1936 | 20 | father |
Powell | Charles | 1939 | 20 | father |
Powell | Chas | 1939 | 20 | father |
Powell | Chas | 1941 | 20 | father |
Powell | Chas | 20 | child | |
Powell | Chas. S. | 1941 | 21 | father |
Powell | Donna Mae | 1941 | 20 | child |
Powell | Evelyn | 1939 | 11 | mother |
Powell | Evelyn Lillian | 1934 | 11 | mother |
Powell | Evelyn Lillian | 1935 | 11 | mother |
Powell | Evelyn Lillian | 1941 | 11 | mother |
Powell | Jessie Lurlene | 1934 | 20 | child |
Powell | John William | 1936 | 20 | child |
Powell | Margaret Elizabeth | 1941 | 20 | child |
Powell | Mary Elizabeth | 1939 | 20 | child |
Powell | Reta Jane | 1939 | 20 | child |
Powell | Stanley William | 1941 | 20 | father |
Powell | Thomas Edgar | 1939 | 20 | child |
Powell | Walter Griftner | 1939 | 20 | father |
Powell | William Edward | 1941 | 21 | child |
Powell | William F. "Warfield" | 1934 | 20 | father |
Presley | Linda Rae | 1942 | 21 | child |
Presley | Raymond Charles | 1942 | 21 | father |
Preston | Dale Edward | 1935 | 21 | child |
Preston | Ray | 1935 | 21 | father |
Price | Edward Christopher | 1934 | 21 | father |
Price | Edward Christopher | 1934 | 21 | father |
Price | Mary Ruth | 1940 | 20 | mother |
Price | Orville Lee | 1934 | 21 | child |
Price | Orville Lee | 1934 | 21 | child |
Prickett | Charles Edward Jr. | 1941 | 21 | child |
Prickett | Chas Edward | 1941 | 21 | father |
Prickett | Ella Mae | 1938 | 13 | mother |
Prickett | Ella May | 1936 | 13 | mother |
Priest | Charles R. | 1934 | 21 | father |
Priest | Charles Robert Jr. | 1942 | 21 | father |
Priest | Chas. R. | 1937 | 21 | father |
Priest | Chas. Russell | 1937 | 21 | child |
Priest | James Paul | 1942 | 21 | child |
Priest | Robert Eugene | 1934 | 21 | child |
Pugh | Iduma | 1934 | 21 | mother |
Pughe | Iduma | 1934 | 21 | mother |
Purcell | Chisina | 1942 | 3 | mother |
Purcell | Florence | 1939 | 15 | mother |
Pursley | Naomie Elizabeth | 1936 | 23 | mother |
Purvis | Martha | 1942 | 16 | mother |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Quigley | Robert Francis | 1939 | 21 | father |
Quigley | William Francis | 1939 | 21 | child |
Quillen | Virginia Mae | 1933 | 14 | mother |
Quillen | Virginia Mae | 1937 | 14 | mother |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Ray | Juanita Ruth | 1940 | 16 | mother |
Reedy | Edna Darlene | 1941 | 21 | child |
Reedy | Kenneth Ezra | 1941 | 21 | father |
Reynolds | Helen Louise | 1934 | 13 | mother |
Rhode | Joanne | 1934 | 21 | child |
Rhodes | Betty Lou | 1934 | 21 | child |
Rhodes | Carl Byron | 1934 | 21 | father |
Rhude | Harley | 1934 | 21 | father |
Rhude | Harley | 1936 | 21 | father |
Rhude | Harley | 1938 | 21 | father |
Rhude | John Paul | 1936 | 21 | child |
Rhude | Phillip Jerome | 1938 | 21 | child |
Richard | Carl Russell | 1939 | 22 | father |
Richard | Carl Russell | 1941 | 21 | father |
Richard | Nancy Sue | 1941 | 21 | child |
Richardson | Isabelle | 1940 | 12 | mother |
Richardson | Mabel | 1942 | 8 | mother |
Richmond | Charles Henry | 1935 | 21 | father |
Richmond | Charles Jr. | 1937 | 21 | father |
Richmond | Charles Louis Jr. | 1937 | 21 | child |
Richmond | Harry William | 1936 | 21 | father |
Richmond | Harry William | 1939 | 21 | father |
Richmond | Harry William Jr. | 1936 | 21 | child |
Richmond | Louis Jean | 1935 | 21 | child |
Richmond | Richard Lee | 1939 | 21 | child |
Rickard | Beverly Carol | 1941 | 21 | child |
Rickard | Larry Gene | 1939 | 22 | child |
Rickard | Robert Eugene | 1938 | 22 | child |
Rickard | Robert Frederick | 1938 | 22 | father |
Rickard | Robert Frederick | 1941 | 21 | father |
Rickard | Wilma | 1936 | 9 | mother |
Rickard | Wilma Louise | 1936 | 9 | mother |
Rickard | Wilma Louise | 1938 | 9 | mother |
Rickard | Wilma Louise | 1939 | 9 | mother |
Riddell | David Edward | 1941 | 22 | child |
Riddell | Donald Lee | 1935 | 22 | child |
Riddell | Orville Winston | 1937 | 22 | child |
Riddell | Park | 1935 | 22 | father |
Riddell | Park | 1937 | 22 | father |
Riddell | Woodrow | 1941 | 22 | father |
Riddle | Sue | 1938 | 16 | mother |
Rider | Ruby Viola | 1941 | 22 | child |
Rider | William Raymond | 1941 | 22 | father |
Rife | Anna Marjorie | 1940 | 12 | mother |
Riley | Paulla Ann | 1936 | 22 | child |
Riley | Thomas | 1936 | 22 | father |
Rister | Myrtle Charlotte | 1934 | 24 | mother |
Roach | Clara Mae | 1940 | 22 | child |
Roach | Conley | 1940 | 22 | father |
Roach | Conley | 1942 | 22 | father |
Roach | Conley | 22 | child | |
Roach | Robert Delbert | 1942 | 22 | child |
Roberson | Minnie May | 1939 | 12 | mother |
Roberson | Ossie | 1935 | 7 | mother |
Roberson | Ossie | 1938 | 7 | mother |
Roberson | Rose Lee | 1936 | 22 | mother |
Roberson | Rose Lee | 1937 | 22 | mother |
Roberts | Elizabeth | 1942 | 17 | mother |
Roberts | Elizabeth | 1942 | 17 | mother |
Roberts | Mary Mildred | 1939 | 7 | mother |
Roberts | Minnie Bessie | 1939 | 6 | mother |
Roberts | Pearl | 1935 | 7 | mother |
Roberts | Pearl | 1941 | 7 | mother |
Roberts | Pearl Lena | 1939 | 7 | mother |
Roberts | Pearl Mae | 1936 | 7 | mother |
Roberts | Roy | 1938 | 28 | father |
Robinson | Alice Lothella | 1936 | 22 | child |
Robinson | Charles Amos | 1937 | 22 | father |
Robinson | Henry | 1936 | 22 | father |
Robinson | Henry | 1937 | 22 | father |
Robinson | Henry Lee | 1937 | 22 | child |
Robinson | Macie Mae | 1934 | 9 | mother |
Robinson | Macie Mae | 1938 | 9 | mother |
Robinson | Nancy Kay | 1937 | 22 | child |
Robinson | Nora Lee | 1938 | 25 | mother |
Robinson | Ralph Edwin | 1936 | 22 | father |
Robinson | Robert Edwin | 1936 | 22 | child |
Robinson | Victoria | 1939 | 9 | mother |
Robison | Mildred June | 1939 | 24 | mother |
Rock | Claire Belle | 1938 | 13 | mother |
Rogers | Marie | 1936 | 14 | mother |
Rogers | Mary Elizabeth | 1934 | 27 | mother |
Rook | Clairbelle | 1936 | 13 | mother |
Rook | Doris Barbara | 1937 | 3 | mother |
Rook | Doris Barbara | 1939 | 3 | mother |
Rook | Irma Martha | 1937 | 14 | mother |
Rook | Mildred Mae | 1942 | 11 | mother |
Root | Edith Marie | 1937 | 26 | mother |
Rose | Darrell Marvin | 1942 | 22 | child |
Rose | Earl Emery | 1939 | 22 | father |
Rose | Eloise | 1936 | 3 | mother |
Rose | Jerry Jefferson | 1938 | 22 | child |
Rose | Ronald Wayne | 1939 | 22 | child |
Rose | Rufford B. | 1938 | 22 | father |
Rose | Rufford B. | 1942 | 22 | father |
Ross | Carl James | 1939 | 22 | father |
Ross | Evelyn Mae | 1939 | 22 | child |
Ross | James Carl | 1934 | 22 | father |
Ross | James Carl | 1938 | 22 | father |
Ross | Mable Rosina | 1935 | 24 | mother |
Ross | Martha Jane | 1934 | 22 | child |
Ross | Mary Louise | 1938 | 22 | child |
Rossman | Beverly Ann | 1934 | 22 | child |
Rossman | Charles Denise | 1938 | 22 | child |
Rossman | James Bergen | 1938 | 22 | father |
Rossman | James R. | 1934 | 22 | father |
Roth | James Eldridge | 1941 | 23 | child |
Roth | Jean | 1938 | 12 | mother |
Roth | Norma Jean | 1941 | 12 | mother |
Roth | Robert Nelson | 1938 | 23 | child |
Roth | Robert Nelson Sr. | 1938 | 23 | father |
Roth | Robert Nelson Sr. | 1941 | 23 | father |
Routt | Margaret May | 1937 | 3 | mother |
Routt | Neva Elaine | 1942 | 24 | mother |
Rowe | Elizabeth Wayne | 1940 | 23 | child |
Rowe | Ernest Wayne | 1940 | 23 | father |
Rowe | Evelyn Naomi | 1939 | 7 | mother |
Rowe | Evelyn Naomi | 1941 | 7 | mother |
Royer | Mary Margaret | 1940 | 4 | mother |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Sampler | Edna | 1942 | 4 | mother |
Savage | Gary Lee | 1939 | 23 | child |
Savage | Paul Dininiddlie | 1939 | 23 | father |
Savage | Paul Dinwiddie | 1938 | 23 | father |
Savage | Phillip Roe | 1938 | 23 | child |
Scard | Ada June | 1939 | 17 | mother |
Scearce | Barbara Sue | 1942 | 23 | child |
Scearce | Bassie Scott | 1940 | 23 | father |
Scearce | Bassie Scott | 1940 | 23 | father |
Scearce | Bassie Scott | 1941 | 23 | father |
Scearce | Benjamin Franklin | 1940 | 23 | father |
Scearce | Benjamin Franklin | 1942 | 23 | father |
Scearce | Betty Lou | 1942 | 23 | child |
Scearce | Bobby Dale | 1938 | 23 | child |
Scearce | Claudette Jane | 1940 | 23 | child |
Scearce | Delores Jean | 1940 | 23 | child |
Scearce | Elizabeth Lou | 1940 | 23 | child |
Scearce | Frank | 23 | child | |
Scearce | Larry Scott | 1941 | 23 | child |
Scearce | Terry Dean | 1941 | 23 | child |
Scearce | William | 1942 | 23 | father |
Scearce | William Melton | 1938 | 23 | father |
Scearce | William Tip | 1941 | 23 | father |
Schaferling | Helen Marie | 1934 | 18 | mother |
Schall | Margaret Jane | 1938 | 16 | mother |
Schreytzer | Gladys Lucille | 1940 | 16 | mother |
Schueren | Edwin Franklin Jr. | 1941 | 23 | father |
Schueren | Nancy May | 1941 | 23 | child |
Sester | George Monroe | 1941 | 23 | father |
Sester | Judith Ann | 1941 | 23 | child |
Shaffer | Velma Elizabeth | 1938 | 18 | mother |
Shank | Addie Louise | 1941 | 5 | mother |
Shark | Ardella Lucille | 1937 | 23 | mother |
Sheets | Harriet Wille | 1938 | 10 | mother |
Sheffield | Dolly Mae | 1940 | 26 | mother |
Shelton | Arther Irvin Sr. | 1942 | 23 | father |
Shelton | Arthur Irvin Jr. | 1942 | 23 | child |
Shepperd | Bertha | 1936 | 5 | mother |
Shilling | Geraldine Elizabeth | 1940 | 18 | mother |
Shinkle | Ellis Bryon | 1936 | 23 | father |
Shinkle | Ruth Ann | 1936 | 23 | child |
Shockley | Mamie | 1939 | 17 | mother |
Shockley | Mamie Katherine | 1934 | 17 | mother |
Shockley | Mayme "Mamie" | 1933 | 17 | mother |
Shockley | Vada Berthe | 1942 | 17 | mother |
Simmons | Virginia Georgia | 1942 | 18 | mother |
Six | Lorene Louise | 1938 | 19 | mother |
Skinner | Ella Ann | 1937 | 25 | mother |
Slalton | Lewis | 1934 | 23 | father |
Slaten | Louis Millard | 1939 | 23 | father |
Slaton | Cynthia Pauline | 1941 | 9 | mother |
Slaton | Cynthia Pauline | 1942 | 9 | mother |
Slaton | Grace Jane | 1938 | 23 | mother |
Slaton | Louis Millard | 1939 | 23 | father |
Slaton | Robert Nelson | 1939 | 23 | child |
Slaton | Ruby Mae | 1934 | 23 | child |
Slaton | Ruth Ann | 1939 | 23 | child |
Slifar | John Thomas | 1937 | 23 | father |
Sliffer | John Thomas Jr. | 1937 | 23 | child |
Small | Arthur Martin | 1940 | 24 | father |
Small | Nancy Ann | 1940 | 24 | child |
Smith | Ada | 1936 | 24 | child |
Smith | Annabelle | 1941 | 27 | mother |
Smith | Arabelle | 1942 | 27 | mother |
Smith | Arthur Sterling | 1939 | 24 | father |
Smith | Cathrine Lorena | 1941 | 10 | mother |
Smith | Everett Jackson | 1939 | 24 | father |
Smith | Henry Coleman | 1938 | 24 | child |
Smith | Jesse | 1936 | 24 | father |
Smith | Jesse L. | 1933 | 24 | father |
Smith | Lovina Mae | 1942 | 24 | child |
Smith | Orville Lee | 1933 | 24 | child |
Smith | Orville Lee | 1939 | 24 | child |
Smith | Paul Edward | 1942 | 24 | father |
Smith | Ronald Eugene | 1939 | 24 | child |
Smith | Wm Ballanger | 1938 | 24 | father |
Snider | Mabel Grace | 1939 | 5 | mother |
Snider | Mary Elizabeth | 1941 | 14 | mother |
Snider | Melvin Harry | 1934 | 24 | child |
Snider | Priscella Eunice | 1940 | 24 | child |
Snider | Stanley Edwin | 1934 | 24 | father |
Snider | Stanley Edwin | 1940 | 24 | father |
Soard | Ada June | 1941 | 17 | mother |
Sorrell | Hattie | 1940 | 18 | mother |
South | Janet Kay | 1941 | 24 | child |
South | Maybell | 1933 | 14 | mother |
South | Maybell | 1933 | 14 | mother |
South | Robert Kennett | 1941 | 24 | father |
Sowers | Ruth Marjorie | 1936 | 14 | mother |
Sparks | Phyllis Marie | 1940 | 24 | child |
Sparks | Ronald Victor | 1938 | 24 | child |
Sparks | Shelby Rexford | 1937 | 24 | child |
Sparks | Shelby Rexford | 1937 | 24 | father |
Sparks | Shelby Rexford | 1940 | 24 | father |
Sparks | Shelby Rixford | 1938 | 24 | father |
Spence | Mildred Viola | 1937 | 15 | mother |
Spencer | Belva | 1942 | 26 | mother |
Spies | ___ | 24 | child | |
Spies | James Wilson | 1936 | 24 | father |
Spies | Mary Jane | 1936 | 24 | child |
Spradlin | Kathleen Delores | 1935 | 24 | child |
Spradlin | Margaret | 1936 | 27 | mother |
Spradlin | Wm Franklin | 1935 | 24 | father |
Sprinkle | Betty Jane | 1935 | 24 | child |
Sprinkle | Donald Earl | 1935 | 24 | father |
Stahley | Joy Eileen | 1939 | 24 | child |
Stahley | Laris Philip | 1939 | 24 | father |
Staneiberry | Mattie | 1938 | 19 | mother |
Stanton | Martha Ellen | 1941 | 4 | mother |
Starr | Alberta Gladys | 1936 | 22 | mother |
Stephens | Margaret Frances | 1934 | 24 | child |
Stephens | Walter Franklin | 1934 | 24 | father |
Stewart | Arthur Ervin | 1942 | 24 | father |
Stewart | Carolyn Ann | 1942 | 24 | child |
Stickel | Mary Bernice | 1941 | 18 | mother |
Stiver | Gloria Jean | 1942 | 24 | child |
Stiver | James Edward | 1937 | 24 | father |
Stiver | Russell | 1942 | 24 | father |
Stiver | Virginia Lee | 1937 | 24 | child |
Stonecash | Catherine Blance | 1936 | 8 | mother |
Stonsberry | Mattie | 1940 | 19 | mother |
Streeter | Lillian May | 1937 | 16 | mother |
Stricklin | Avel Eugene | 1941 | 25 | father |
Stricklin | Florabelle | 1940 | 5 | mother |
Stricklin | Gerald Eugene | 1941 | 25 | child |
Stricklin | Naomi Mae | 1938 | 28 | mother |
Striver | James Edward | 1940 | 25 | father |
Striver | Margaret Ann | 1940 | 25 | child |
Strong | Catherine May | 1941 | 23 | mother |
Sturgis | Gary William | 1941 | 25 | child |
Sturgis | Wm Jr. | 1941 | 25 | father |
Sudwischer | John Richard | 1937 | 25 | father |
Sudwischer | Karl Richard | 1937 | 25 | child |
Sult | Letha Eileen | 1938 | 15 | mother |
Sult | Letha Eileen | 1939 | 15 | mother |
Surface | Adeline | 1941 | 6 | mother |
Swallow | Fay Echo | 1934 | 15 | mother |
Swartz | Betty Jane | 1940 | 8 | mother |
Swartzel | John Perry | 1934 | 25 | father |
Swartzel | Marilyn | 1934 | 25 | child |
Swink | Earl Marion | 1939 | 25 | father |
Swink | Earl Marion | 1940 | 25 | father |
Swink | Frances Arlene | 1939 | 25 | child |
Swink | Louis Mae | 1940 | 25 | child |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Tayler | Cornelius T. | 1939 | 25 | father |
Taylor | Barbara Ann | 1935 | 25 | child |
Taylor | Charles Edison | 1934 | 25 | child |
Taylor | David William | 1940 | 25 | child |
Taylor | Elizabeth Guivliah | 1935 | 14 | mother |
Taylor | Irvin Lee | 1939 | 25 | child |
Taylor | James Arthur | 1935 | 25 | father |
Taylor | Larry Orville | 1941 | 25 | child |
Taylor | Lillian Guiuliah | 1940 | 15 | mother |
Taylor | Ralph Benard | 1941 | 25 | father |
Taylor | Thelma | 1934 | 17 | mother |
Taylor | Thelma | 1934 | 17 | mother |
Taylor | Virgil Everett | 1934 | 25 | father |
Taylor | Virgil Everett | 1940 | 25 | father |
Teague | Susie Della | 1938 | 24 | mother |
Terrell | Barbara Joan | 1938 | 25 | child |
Terrell | John Hansford | 1938 | 25 | father |
Theis | Douglas Eugene | 1935 | 25 | child |
Theis | Emory Allen | 1935 | 25 | father |
Thieman | Barbara Ann | 1936 | 25 | child |
Thieman | Clarence Paul | 1936 | 25 | father |
Thomas | Edward Franklin | 1941 | 25 | father |
Thomas | James Edward | 1941 | 25 | child |
Thompson | Clyde George | 1937 | 25 | father |
Thompson | Erdean | 1935 | 25 | mother |
Thompson | Lillian Maddox | 1939 | 27 | mother |
Thompson | Michael | 1942 | 25 | child |
Thompson | Pauline Rhea | 1942 | 24 | mother |
Thompson | Richard | 1942 | 25 | father |
Thompson | Robert Eugene | 1939 | 25 | child |
Thompson | Ronald Charles | 1937 | 25 | child |
Thompson | William Alfred | 1939 | 25 | father |
Thompson | William Ervin | 1936 | 25 | child |
Thompson | William Howard | 1941 | 25 | father |
Thompson | William Howard Jr. | 1941 | 25 | child |
Thompson | Wm Alfred | 1936 | 25 | father |
Thorman | James Edward | 1933 | 25 | child |
Thorman | Ozzo Albert Paul | 1933 | 25 | father |
Thornton | Edwina May | 1941 | 26 | child |
Thornton | James Eustucious | 1941 | 26 | father |
Timberlake | John Jesse | 1940 | 26 | father |
Timberlake | John Whipple | 1940 | 26 | child |
Tinch | Adel Lorel | 1938 | 26 | father |
Tinch | Alice Marie | 1938 | 26 | child |
Tinch | Bobby Kenneth | 1939 | 26 | child |
Tinch | Donald Aden | 1942 | 26 | child |
Tinch | Ernest Abel | 1939 | 26 | father |
Tinch | Ernest Adel | 1942 | 26 | father |
Tinch | Etsie Cleo | 1938 | 18 | mother |
Tinch | George David | 1940 | 26 | father |
Tinch | Joyce Ann | 1940 | 26 | child |
Tooley | Danial C. | 1941 | 26 | father |
Tooley | Elaine | 1941 | 26 | child |
Tracy | Cora | 1938 | 15 | mother |
Trent | Wendaleen | 1937 | 7 | mother |
Tressler | Helen Elizabeth | 1941 | 5 | mother |
Trimble | Freda Alberta | 1941 | 22 | mother |
Truett | Goldia | 1940 | 22 | mother |
Truett | Goldie | 1942 | 22 | mother |
Turner | Mabel Helen | 1941 | 10 | mother |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Updyke | Chas Vincent | 1940 | 26 | child |
Updyke | Chas Vincent | 1940 | 26 | father |
Updyke | Harry Firman | 1939 | 26 | father |
Updyke | Harry Firman | 1941 | 26 | father |
Updyke | James Harry | 1939 | 26 | child |
Updyke | Jerry Reynold | 1941 | 26 | child |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Vail | Fay Barkalow | 1939 | 17 | mother |
Vaughn | 1937 | 6 | father | |
Vaughn | Devenia Lee | 1942 | 26 | child |
Vaughn | Levi | 1942 | 26 | father |
Vierling | Mary Katherine | 1936 | 25 | mother |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Wade | Bessie Guilda | 1938 | 3 | mother |
Wade | Gary Lee | 1942 | 26 | child |
Wade | Glenn | 1935 | 26 | father |
Wade | Helen Irene | 1942 | 24 | mother |
Wade | Roy William | 1935 | 26 | child |
Wade | Wilbur Wilson | 1942 | 26 | father |
Wagner | Catherine Louise | 1939 | 25 | mother |
Wagner | Cathrine | 1936 | 25 | mother |
Wall | Alva M. | 1937 | 26 | father |
Wall | Mable Louise | 1937 | 26 | child |
Wallace | Arthur John | 1936 | 26 | father |
Wallace | Gloria Jean | 1936 | 26 | child |
Warrick | Daniel Ora | 1939 | 26 | child |
Warrick | Daniel Ottto | 1939 | 26 | father |
Warrick | Daniel Ottto | 1941 | 26 | father |
Warrick | Daniel Ottto | 1941 | 26 | father |
Warrick | William Lee | 1941 | 26 | child |
Warrick | William Lee | 1941 | 26 | child |
Waters | Pauline | 1936 | 22 | mother |
Wearer | Dorothy Eliz | 1941 | 26 | mother |
Weidner | Thelma Irene | 1939 | 14 | mother |
Welb | ___ | 26 | child | |
Wenker | Florence | 1939 | 21 | mother |
Wertz | Philip Alfred | 1937 | 26 | child |
Wertz | Richard | 1941 | 27 | father |
Wertz | Richard A. | 1937 | 26 | father |
Wertz | Richard Adam | 1940 | 27 | father |
Wertz | Richard Samuel | 1941 | 27 | child |
Wertz | Stephen Francis | 1940 | 27 | child |
West | ___ | 27 | child | |
West | Chas. Elmer | 1935 | 27 | father |
West | Yvonne | 1935 | 27 | child |
Wheeler | Robert Jr. | 1936 | 27 | child |
Wheeler | Robert Louis | 1936 | 27 | father |
Whipple | Caryl | 1940 | 14 | mother |
Whipple | Louise Bosley | 1940 | 26 | mother |
Whisman | Donald Clay | 1941 | 27 | father |
Whisman | Dudley Russel | 1939 | 27 | father |
Whisman | James R. | 1936 | 27 | father |
Whisman | Janet Lee | 1936 | 27 | child |
Whisman | Landa Ann | 1939 | 27 | child |
Whisman | Paul W. | 1941 | 27 | child |
Whitenack | Barbara Ann | 1935 | 27 | child |
Whitenack | Robert | 1935 | 27 | father |
Whitt | Curtis | 1941 | 27 | father |
Whitt | Shirley Jeanette | 1941 | 27 | child |
Williams | Edith Ann | 1939 | 27 | child |
Williams | Jack Shelby | 1934 | 27 | child |
Williams | Jack Tilghman | 1934 | 27 | father |
Williams | Lexie Anna | 1942 | 27 | child |
Williams | Russell | 1939 | 27 | father |
Williams | William Elroy | 1942 | 27 | father |
Willis | Freda Maxine | 1940 | 11 | mother |
Willis | Mary Jane | 1936 | 27 | mother |
Willison | Dorothy Rose | 1942 | 23 | mother |
Wills | Brooks | 1941 | 27 | father |
Wills | Bruce F. | 1939 | 27 | father |
Wills | Joy Lee | 1941 | 27 | child |
Wills | Timothy Wayne | 1939 | 27 | child |
Wilson | ___ | 1940 | 27 | child |
Wilson | ___ | 27 | child | |
Wilson | Amilda Goebell | 1942 | 14 | mother |
Wilson | Edward William | 1936 | 27 | father |
Wilson | Frank C. | 1940 | 27 | father |
Wilson | Harry Dale | 1942 | 27 | child |
Wilson | Harry Dale | 1942 | 27 | father |
Wilson | Helen Irene | 1936 | 21 | mother |
Wilson | Leeman | 27 | child | |
Wilson | Leeman Dillard | 1941 | 27 | father |
Wilson | Linda Sue | 1941 | 27 | child |
Wilson | Richard Leslie | 1936 | 27 | child |
Wilson | Wilbur Thirkield | 1934 | 27 | child |
Wilson | Wilbur Thirkield | 1934 | 27 | father |
Wohrle | Mary Louise | 1941 | 11 | mother |
Wolf | Florence Charlestine | 1939 | 9 | mother |
Wolf | Lucille Louise | 1938 | 19 | mother |
Wolf | Mary Rose | 1939 | 26 | mother |
Wolf | Mary Rose | 1941 | 26 | mother |
Wolf | Mary Rose | 1941 | 26 | mother |
Wolfe | Florence Charlestine | 1941 | 9 | mother |
Wolfe | Geneva Mae | 1934 | 21 | mother |
Wolfe | Geneva Mae | 1937 | 21 | mother |
Wolfe | Geneva Mae | 1942 | 21 | mother |
Womble | Lucille Mae | 1934 | 28 | mother |
Womble | Mae | 1934 | 28 | child |
Woolery | Robert Dale | 1938 | 28 | child |
Woolery | Robert Huston | 1938 | 28 | father |
Woolridge | Hazel Iolene | 1941 | 21 | mother |
Worrell | Bonnie Lynne | 1938 | 28 | child |
Wright | Ellen Emily | 1939 | 6 | mother |
Wright | Ellen Emily | 1939 | 6 | mother |
Wyrick | Floyd Richard | 1942 | 28 | father |
Wyrick | Samuel Richard | 1942 | 28 | child |
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Surname | Given Name | Year | Book Page | Relation |
Yetter | Ethel Agnes | 1939 | 8 | mother |
York | Clara Theresa | 1936 | 5 | mother |
York | Clara Theresa | 1941 | 4 | mother |
Young | Elvis Hatfield | 1934 | 28 | father |
Young | Jane | 1941 | 13 | mother |
Young | Mary Kathryn | 1938 | 6 | mother |
Young | Mary Kathryn | 1939 | 6 | mother |
Young | Robert John | 1934 | 28 | child |
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This page was last updated on
September 15, 2016