Warren County Genealogical Society |
(513) 695-1144 |
wcgs@co.warren.oh.us![]() |
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Tax records can provide information about property ownership and real estate that can lead to other records such as deeds or probate records. Inclusion in these type of records can prove the person was alive and in that locality for the year preceding the year of tax filing. It can also be used to distinguish people who might have the same name but pay taxes on different property. Early Tax lists are typically broken down in Lands, Town Lots and Chattel Tax Lists. Each tax year varies but in general they "MIGHT" contain the following type of information:
Below is a comprehensive list of the tax records available for Warren County, Ohio. The ones with blue hyperlinks, are indexed by WCGS and available in our library. The others are available from either the Ohio Historical Society (OHS), the Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU) on microfilm, or from the Warren County Archive and Record Center. We hope to eventually to obtain copies and index these records. The Mary L. Cook Library in Waynesville also has tax duplicates for Wayne Township, 1850-1855. If you would like more information, please contact our research department.
Year (s) |
Repository |
WCGS Indexed |
1803-1805 |
Books Missing |
--- |
1806-1807 |
Original books and film held by OHS |
Not yet |
1808 |
Book missing |
--- |
1809 |
Original book and film held by OHS |
Not yet |
1810 |
Original book and film held by OHS |
1811-1814 |
Original books and film held by OHS |
Not yet |
1815 |
Book missing |
--- |
1816-1826 |
Original books and film held by OHS. GSU has film also. |
In process, 1816-1820 done |
1827 |
Original book and film held by OHS. GSU has film
also. |
1828 |
Original book and film held by OHS. GSU has film also. |
In process |
1829 |
Original book and film held by OHS. GSU has film
also. |
Not yet |
1830 |
Original book and film held by OHS. GSU has film
also. |
1831 |
Original book and film held by OHS. GSU has film also. |
Not yet |
1832 |
Original book and film held by OHS. GSU has film also. |
1833-1838 |
Original books and film held by OHS. GSU has film
also. |
Not yet |
1840 |
Warren County Records Center & Archives holds the original |
1841 |
Warren County Records Center & Archives holds the original |
1839-1954 |
Warren County Records Center & Archives holds the original |
Not yet |
1955 |
Book missing |
--- |
1956-current |
Warren County Records Center & Archives holds the original |
Not yet |
©2002-2010 Warren County Genealogical Society
For Non-commercial Use Only
This page was last updated on
01 September 2010