Warren County Genealogical Society
Warren County, Ohio
Deeds, 1799-Current

This page contains information about the Deed records of Warren County, Ohio that the Warren County Genealogical Society has in their library. These records have been indexed and may be put online at some future date.

Deeds from 1799-1803 for Warren County, Ohio are listed under Hamilton County, Ohio, but we have a record of the transaction in our files.

We are in the process of indexing the deeds for Warren county, Ohio. Currently deeds have been indexed for the years 1799-1832 from seller of a property to the buyer. We are in the process of indexing the deeds for the same years from the buyer to the seller. With this information, copies of the original deeds can be obtained. In addition to the dates of transaction, spouses are often listed. Copies of deeds are $1.00 a page.

If you are looking for deeds, please contact our research department or come in to our library and we will assist you. Please see the About Us page for more information.

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For non-commercial use only
This page was last updated on 9/12/2002