Warren County Genealogical Society
Warren County, Ohio
Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains information, frequently asked questions, and other helpful hints for researching in Warren County, Ohio and using the Warren County Genealogical Society web page.
If you have questions or comments about the web site please refer to our administrator listed on the About Us page. If you have specific questions regarding researching your family lines please contact our research department via snail mail or by visiting our library. Due to the numerous amount of queries we are not staffed to answer research questions via email. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thanks for your support and help. Hope you have enjoyed our site!
I can't find my ancestors listed on the web pages, but I know they were in Warren County, Ohio.A- I have three possible ways to find your ancestors, if they are listed on one of our pages-
Okay, I've found my ancestor listed on your pages, now what?A-
You have two ways to get the full information from our indexes online.In both cases, you should have the following details to aid us in helping you find your ancestors/relatives.
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First- Write down exactly what information you would like to find and include as much detail about the individual(s) as you can. You can include pedigrees and family group records. Be specific and focus your search; you'll be more successful that way. |
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Second- make a list of all the web pages you saw your ancestor listed and please include the reference page or index number. This will speed up the process. |
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Third- make a list of the documents you have already copied, so we don't duplicate your research. |
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Lastly- please include your full name and mailing address, if corresponding by mail. Unfortunately we will not be able to respond to queries that don't include a full name and mailing address. |
Are these indexes the only records you have available?A-
No, we have extensive resources in our library, too numerous to list on our web site. Researchers are welcome to browse the stacks in our library.A-
Yes, as more records become available they will be indexed and eventually included on our website. Indexing is a timely process, and since WCGS is staffed by volunteers, the indexing of records is dependent upon their volunteer efforts. Please check back often for updates to our website. If you would like to help and you are local, please call (513) 695-1144.Q-
Do you have resources for other areas besides Warren County, Ohio?A-
Yes. We have histories and various records for many other counties in Ohio. In addition, we have holdings on many states.A- Send copies of your bible records, charts, files, book, or family information to our resource center at 406 Justice Dr., Lebanon, OH 45036. Please include your name and address as the submitter. Family books are catalogued and placed with similar books. Charts, family papers, bible records, etc. are placed in similar record books or in our vertical file. All are accessible to researchers via our card catalog.
©2002, 2003 Warren County Genealogical Society
For non-commercial use only
This page was last updated on
24 October 2003