Warren County Genealogical Society Soldiers and Sailors |
(513) 695-1144 |
wcgs@co.warren.oh.us |
This is a list of individuals who have submitted their ancestor’s names to the Society of Civil War Families of Warren County on file at the Warren County Genealogical Society. This page has been organized alphabetically by soldier or sailor and descendant of the Civil War veteran.
The information contained herein is only an index to the records kept by the Warren County Genealogical Society. If you find your ancestor listed here you can obtain more information by coming into the library kept by the WCGS or by snail mail correspondence via our research department. See the Civil War Families information page for more information about how these pioneers were submitted and the type of information required for submission.
Society of Civl War Families of Warren County Soldiers and Sailors
This is a list of Civil War ancestor organized alphabetically who are listed in the Warren County Genealogical Society Records. These people have been thoroughly researched by a descendant of the listed ancestor which proves their relationship to the individual and documentation that shows the indicated Civil War ancestor who were born, died, lived or are buried in Warren County. This is not a comprehensive list; only a list of people who have been researched and submitted. If you have an ancestor who fits the criteria above and would like their name to be added to this list please click on the Civil War Families link for further instructions.
Surname | Given Name | Township | Civil War Family # |
Beal | Samuel | Franklin | 1 |
Reeder | Zachariah | Washington | 2 |
Roat | Henry | Hamilton | 4 |
Spray | Noah B. | Massie | 3 |
Tucker | William Henry | Deerfield | 4 |
Wolfe | Joseph | Washintgon | 3 |
©2019 Warren County Genealogical Society
For non-commercial use only
This page was created 10 May 2019 and last updated on
May 10, 2019