Warren County Genealogical Society |
(513) 695-1144 |
wcgs@co.warren.oh.us![]() |
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Warren County Genealogy Society Meeting Schedule
Our Program Coordinator has been busy preparing our 2018
program schedule.
The Warren County Genealogical Society meetings are open to the public without charge. They are usually held the third Wednesday of most months (excluding January and February) at 7:30 PM in the Phillippi Meeting Room of the Campus Center at the Otterbein Retirement Community, 585 North State Route 741 (north of State Route 63), Lebanon, Ohio.
Date |
Event |
March 21 2018 | "Taxing Situations: Using Tax Lists in Genealogical Research" presented by Liz Stratton Few records are as effective as tax lists at pinning your ancestor to the ground in a specific place and time. Creative use of tax lists can solve complex genealogical problems. Learn about Ohio tax lists, where to find them, and how to use them. A case study demonstrates using tax records with other sources to establish a family relationship. Liz Stratton, PLCGS, specializes in Ohio’s complex land and court records. She developed and teaches three interactive multi-session series—"Foundations,” “Hands on with Land,” and “Estate Research.” Liz lectures and writes on a variety of genealogical topics. She is Education Director for the Hamilton County Genealogical Society and President of the Association of Professional Genealogists Virtual Chapter. She was a GenProof mentor (2013-2016) and a coordinator for ProGen (2010-2012). Liz has completed extensive research in several Ohio counties giving her personal experience with Ohio’s records. Liz holds a Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (PLCGS) from the National Institute of Genealogical Studies. She has attended numerous week-long courses including “Advanced Research Tools, Land Records” and “Law Libraries and Government Documents.” She lectures frequently on a variety of genealogical topics. |
April 18, 2018 | 36th Anniversary Banquet and Lineage Society Inductions Program: "Teddy Roosevelt 1904" by Larry & Julia Marple |
May 10, 2018 | WCGS Open House - Please come celebrate our new space within the Warren County Administration Building from 1:00pm - 3:00pm See Flyer |
May 16, 2018 | "Cincinnati-Miami-Erie Canal" by Cincinnati Heritage Programs |
2018 - Summer Classes | SUMMER GENEALOGY WORKSHOP - Presented by Dana Palmer, CG, Lebanon, Ohio and other instructors. 13 June 2018 -Publishing a Family Book Workshop - Do you ever wish grandma left stories and photos for you to enjoy? Learn how to create a cherished family book using MS Word. In this workshop you will be working on your family book and have time to ask questions. Attendees should come prepared with their own computer and book template pre-formatted. If you do no have the book template or instructions on getting started, please email WCS for the files. - Instr. Dana Palmer, CG.
11 July 2018 - RootsMagic Workshop - This interactive workshop will allow attendees time to work on their RootsMagic file and ask questions about the software. Please bring your laptop and RootsMagic file with you.- Inst. Dana Palmer, CG 18 July 2018 - German Handwriting |
7 September 2018 | Zoar Red Lion Methodist Cemetery Restoration Workshop, Clearcreek Twp - To Register, see flyer |
September 19, 2018 | "Deed You Hear About These Records" presented by Amie Tennant, See flyer Deeds are just one of many underutilized record sets genealogists need to use. Warranty and quit-claim deeds hold vital information that will lead you to great discoveries in your family tree. We will also discuss estate packets, guardianship records, civil case files, and more. Audience level: All |
October 17, 2018 | "Searching for Elizabeth; Discovering Northern Ireland" presented by Debbie Large, See flyer Researching for Irish records can be overwhelming and frustrating. More Irish records are becoming available online each day. Northern Ireland holds distinct and separate repositories from those in the Republic of Ireland. These archives are often overlooked when searching for Irish roots, particularly for records of Northern Ireland ancestors. Learn more about this beautiful part of the island with recent scenes of the Northern Ireland countryside and Belfast. Review some important Northern Ireland libraries and archives as well as British/UK websites you should consider exploring in your search for your Irish roots. Audience level: All |
November 14, 2018 | "What's New in German Genealogy" presented by Jeff Herbert, See flyer This presentation will show new online for researching German ancestors. Audience level: All |
December 19, 2018 | Annual Holiday Social Gathering - "My Favorite Ancestor and Why" See flyer This year, we would love to hear about your favorite ancestor and why this person is your favorite. If you received an heirloom from that person, please bring it along to share its story with us. Maybe you've determined a new way to research the history for this person and can share this to help us break down some of our "brick walls". If able to do so, please bring a goodie along with you to share. This is our last meeting for the year and we look forward to seeing you. Audience level: All |
March 20, 2019 | "Irish Research" presented by Kathe Edwards See flyer Learning the tools you will need to research in the US to find that important county of birth, so you can find your family in Ireland. Discover all the records you can use, to help find the county and townland in Ireland of your immigrant. Also, how to then find what records are available online for Irish research, the paid sites and especially the free sites. |
April 17, 2019 | 38th Anniversary Banquet and Lineage Society Inductions Program: "Julia Grant" by Joyce Browning see flyer Julia Boggs Dent Grant |
May 15, 2019 | "Lineage Societies" by Jean Muetzel |
13 Mar 2019 | SUMMER GENEALOGY WORKSHOP - Presented by Dana Palmer, CG, Lebanon, Ohio and other instructors. 5 June 2019 -Chronicling America - A newspaper site for everyone - Instr. Dana Palmer, CG. 19 June 2019 -Introduction to Surveys and Property Maps- Instr. Liz Stratton 3 July 2019 - No Class 10 July 2019 -Create a Family Website Using WIX -Instr. Dana Palmer, CG 24 July 2019 - Tools to Organize and Analyze your DNA Matches - Instr. Kelli Bergheimer 31 Jul 2019 - Ohio: A Genealogy Treasure - Instr. Dana Palmer, CG |
September 18, 2019 | "Land Records - Using Bureau of Land Management Website for Warrants and Patents" presented by Debbie Large [see Flyer]
October 16, 2019 | "German Research" presented by Fred Buck [see Flyer] |
November 20, 2019 | "Beginning Military Research on Fold3" presented by Dana Palmer, CG [see Flyer] |
December 18, 2019 | Annual Holiday Social Gathering |
©2009-2019 Warren County Genealogical Society
For Non-commercial Use Only
This page was last updated on
September 24, 2019